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Hands across water
Poster presentation



Solar Hydroponics Systems

AlHalan- Sachnin


Smart irrigation systems with pressure compensation

Shaeb middle school

פוסטר שפרעם 2022.jpg

Salt Water Desalination

Ibrahim Nimer Husein- Shfara'am

Beit Miller Poster.jpg

The Haifa Rotary Miller House Community Hydroponics Garden

The effect of soluble substances on water freezing time


Water Quality

Beit Miler

Eliance- Haifa

Pelech- Zichron Ya'akov



final Joana Jabutinski Water Heater Poster (1).jpg

Solar Water Heater

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Plant Watering

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Water consumption

Yohana jabotinsky- Be'er Yaakov

Surkis- Kfar Saba

Neve Yonatan- Ramle

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Effect of Calcium Concentration in Water on the Germination of Lentil Leaves

Class 3- The Arab school of Science and Engineering- Ort  Lod

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Examination of the Effect of Temperature on the Magnetization of a Magnet

Class 2- The Arab school of Science and Engineering- Ort  Lod

The Relationship between Different Water Sources and  the Percentage of their  Organic Mat

The Relationship between Different Water Sources and the Percentage of their Organic Material

Class 1- The Arab school of Science and Engineering- Ort  Lod

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Micro - Plastic

Ort- Oranit

עירוני ה פוסטר חקר.jpeg

Yarkon estuary water analysis

Ironei H' Tel Aviv


Arie Meir poster energy.jpg

Comparison of Energy Sources

Copy of The hydrophnic revulution  and food security  032022 Branco Wise High Shool.pptx.j

The Hydroponic Revolution and Food Security

Investigative Birdwatching in Beer Seva new lake Zelberman High School  032022.pptx.jpg

Investigative birdwatching in beer sheva new lake

Arye Meir- Kiryat Gat

Branco Weiss- Beit Ariel

Mekif Zilberman Ramot haneches- Be'er Sheva

Nofei Habshor Hydroponics Poster.jpg

Hydroponic Project

Nofei Habsor- Eshkol

  Schools around the world

Romania & Moldova

רומניה ומולדובה
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Water Consumption for common objects

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Water and Plastic

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Ground water quality in Gorj county

Colegiul National “Emanuil Gojdu”- Oradea

Colegiul National "Preparandia Dimitrie Tichindeal"- Arad

Colegiul National "Ecaterina Teodoroiu"- Targu Jiu

Andrei Muresanu Poster.jpg

The minerals of eternal youth

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Groundwater Quality in Targu Jiu

Moise Nicoara National College Arad- RHAW Project Poster-1.jpg

Water Quality in Arad- Today and Tomorrow

Colegiul National "Andrei Muresanu"- Bistrița- Romania

Colegiul Național ”Tudor Vladimirescu”-Targu Jiu

Colegiul Național ”Moise Nicoară”- Arad- Romania

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Polluting the Crisul Repede River with Floating Debris

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Romanian Traditions and superstitions and water- 


Tap Water Quality in Constanta VS Bottled Water

"Iuliu Maniu" Greek-Catholic High School

Liceul Tehnologic Lechinta

Colegiul National Mircea cel Batran- Constanța


physical and chemical water analysis

EuroEd Secondary School- Lasi, Romania

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Irrigating Water- Saving Water

Theoretical Lyceum "Petre Stefanuca"- Ialoveni- Moldova

Poland, Lithuania & Ukraine

פולין וליטא

Gray water- Bathroom water recovery system

Szkoła Podstawowa O!Mega Poznań

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Solar water heater

Specjalny Ośrodek Szkolno-Wychowawczy Nr 3- Łódź

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Do Tap Aerators Save Water?

Szkoła Podstawowa nr.1 Konstancin - Jeziorna


Water Route of Toruniu

Multidisciplinary education and rehabilition center in Lviv POSTER.pptx.jpg

Water- The source of life and how to save it



Zespół Szkół Przemysłu Spożywczego i VIII Liceum Ogólnokształcące- Toruń

Bahatoprofilʹnyy navchalʹno-reabilitatsiynyy tsentr Svyatoho Mykolaya u Lʹvovi (Ukraine)

Zespół Szkolno Przedszkolny Szkoła Podstawowa nr 9 Świnoujście


Water impurities from various sources

Academic High school of Wrocław University of Technology POSTER.png

Designing flow meter with faucet attachment



Pabradė Žeimenos Gimnazjia (Lithuania)

Akademickie Liceum Ogólnokształcące Politechniki Wrocławskiej- Wrocław

Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr VII im. Krzysztofa Kamila Baczyńskiego we Wrocławiu- Wroclaw

Albania & Kosovo

אלבניה וקוסובו
Qemal stafa poster_edited.jpg

Recycling Greywater

Gijmnazi Qemal Stafa-Tiranë- Albania



Ismail Qemali-  Tiranë- Albania

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Mileniumi i Tretë- Prishtine- Kosovo

RHAW Poster 2022- Haidar Dushi-1.jpg

Central Heating and Concrete Piping

Gjimnazi Hajdar Dushi- Gjakova- Kosovo


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Salt Water Intrusion impact on Hydroponic Systems

Donna Karen Jewish Academy- Boca raton, Florida

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